
19 Juni 2013

Education as a Route Out of Poverty

According to dictionary.com, education has two meanings: 1. act or process of imparting or gaining knowledge, judgment, and a level of intellectual maturity, and 2. act or process of imparting or acquiring particular knowledge or skills, as for a profession. Based on these two meanings, it is clear that education is a rope which can carry us to greatness. It is one of the most important things in life, because without it, you can’t contribute to the world or earn money. Education helps us to solve problems, poverty for example, because well-educated people can easily get a job or even invent it, more likely to enjoy high earning and have health and retirement benefits with their job, also they are far less likely to be unemployed.

People can invent a job with knowledge and skills they get from education. They, who are really motivated -curious, persistent, and willing to take risks-, will learn new knowledge and skills continuously and be able to find new opportunities or create their own so that they do not depend on others and can earn money by themselves.

Education makes people easy to get a job. We all know that education is the most important thing and the main requirement in many jobs. That is why people with degree are easier to get job because they have a key, education, which is required by most jobs.

Nobody doubts that a well-educated person is more likely to enjoy higher earnings as a worker than those who do not have access to education. Well-educated people have better skills and knowledge than people who do not have access to education so they easily get better position with better salary in their job. Therefore, this kind of people live with better condition. While in Indonesia, all citizens only have to undertake nine years of compulsory education which consists of six years in elementary school and three years in junior high school. Due to this, they can’t compete with others because the government only frees the education itself until junior high school whereas to get a job they should have been through higher level. This is one of some causes that makes them live in poverty.

People with degrees not only tend to have higher earnings than people without degrees, they are also more likely to have health and retirement benefits with their jobs, and they are far less likely to be unemployed. Having a degree is not just about economic advantages, people with college degrees are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs. Since we spend most of our lives working, it makes sense that how we feel about our work can greatly affect us.

Thing that we can conclude is that the education is the cure for poverty. Knowing this, we should help each individual to progress toward the attainment of their full potential, both as a person and member of society. Spreading the benefits of education as widely as possible is also a way to reduce poverty because this will make them realize that education is a way to escape from poverty. The government also should focus on this thing by maximizing from the education aspect first because no human beings survive properly without education. So how to reduce poverty? Helping the poor receive better education is part of the answer.

Esa Nur Intan
May, 14 2013



Adisaputra, Koswara. (2009) Anggaran Pendidikan dalam APBN 2009, www.anggaran.depkeu.go.id [Internet] 2009. Available at http://www.anggaran.depkeu.go.id/web-content-list.asp?ContentId=565 [Accesssed 8th April 2013]
Education Facts, www.compassion.com [Internet] Available at http://www.compassion.com/poverty/education.htm [Accesssed 8th April 2013]
Ahira, Anne. Kemiskinan sebagai Masalah Pendidikan di Indonesia, www.anneahira.com [Internet] Available at http://www.anneahira.com/masalah-pendidikan.htm [Accesssed 8th April 2013]
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